'FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH' - Group Exhibition

Collection: 'FROM THE HORSE'S MOUTH' - Group Exhibition


A Group Exhibition Suggested By 7 Artists
Curators and galleries often play the role of tastemakers - dictating and directing the trends of the contemporary art market. In group exhibitions the mark of the curator or gallerist is particularly prevalent and often a successful exhibition rests solely on their ability to produce a singular narrative out of multiple threads. In presenting this vision to the public, a gallery offers up their specific version of what is relevant and valuable at that particular moment, but often this might not be the same vision as that of the exhibiting artists.
For the exhibition, ‘ From The Horse’s Mouth,’ EBONY invited 7 artists, all with some connection to the gallery, to either suggest an artist to participate or to suggest a specific artwork produced by an artist they admire. Therefore, the artists take on the curatorial roles and are given the opportunity to express what they feel is currently relevant and inspiring in the art world.
Larita Engelbreght invited Hanien Conradie
Hugh Byrne invited Ruaan Coleman
Richard Smith invited Hellen Joseph Page 
Patrick Bongoy invited Mthobisi Maphumulo
Zemba Luzamba  invited Dada Khanyisa
Simphiwe Ndzube invited Katlego Tlabela
Siwa Mgoboza invited Fruszina Nemes & Nobuko Nqabqa